Published yearly since 1999 by the American Hospital Association’s (AHA) Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD), in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) and available to health care leaders nationwide.

FutureScan sponsorship

$10,000 | Exclusive

Want to stand out and share the spotlight with SHSMD all year long? Take advantage of this exclusive offer, available to just one organization per year, that lets you be a leading voice in each publication of Futurescan for an entire year! 

Each publication of Futurescan contains eight (8) articles featuring eight (8) health care thought leaders that are:

  • Accompanied by a webinar, podcast and related resources.
  • Widely publicized across SHSMD, ACHE and AHA audiences.
  • Distributed digitally for free to 3,500+ SHSMD members.
  • Widely used for strategic planning, senior executive updates, board education, medical staff briefings, staff training and more.

Benefits Include:

  • An exclusive one-year sponsorship plus first right of refusal each year.
  • Ability to introduce the speaker and greet the audience (typically around 500 registrants) at the annual Futurescan webinar. (Past speakers include  futurist Ian Morrison.)
  • Email contact information of webinar registrants (opt-in only).
  • Sponsor logo on the back cover.
  • One full-page ad on the inside front cover (second page) of print and digital publication delivered to SHSMD readers.
  • Sponsor logo on SHSMD Futurescan web page (shsmd.org/futurescan) for the year of that publication. 5,000+ page views!
  • Sponsor recognition in all dedicated email blasts to promote the publication to SHSMD and AHA members (Open rate: 26%).
  • 100-word paragraph about the sponsor company on the last page of the print and digital publication.

Get in Touch

If you'd like to customize an advertising package or have questions about offerings, our Sales Team is here to help.